Haiku & Horror: "The imagery and power of these poems remains consistent from page to page, and Kriesel's masterful economy of his words is something that any haiku fan can appreciate. I would strongly recommend this book to any reader of short poetry. The book is short enough to be read in one sitting, but will keep you turning back to it again and again."
Lilliput Review: "Michael has published some excellent work in Lillie over the years and I was delighted to see this collection. ... Get a hold of a copy of this; you won't be disappointed."
Christopher Cunningham: "…it is a fine chapbook featuring short poems that grab you immediately and linger in your mind for a long long time. they are snapshots that instantly pierce the veil of emotion and imagination, poems that are profound and simple. very well done, and the production by David at sunnyoutside is winning.
justin.barrett: "Kriesel is one of the best out there with dictating a specific mood in 12 words or less. masterful."
Doug Holder: "…these short poems by Kriesel are accessible, tightly written, economical and well-constructed. Kriesel, seems to have studied the short form and serves it to us on a fully fleshed plate."
The Middlewesterner: "Poems like these are the reason Kriesel has appeared in more than two hundred magazines. This is the Michael Kriesel I appreciate. And you should too. You judge a writer by the best that he or she produces. By that standard, Kriesel is a poet we should continue to read, don't you think?"
Barbaric Yawp: "I'm not exaggerating when I say that Kriesel writes with the perfect light touch of a haiku master."
Used as a text in Karl Elder's Advanced Poetry Writing class at Lakeside College in Wisconsin.